The Union University is the holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), which enables universities to participate in the European Union (EU) programmes for higher education. One of the main programmes is the Erasmus+ . It provides the financing of mobility and cooperation projects in the field of education, training, youth and sports. The overall goal of the program is to help the educational, professional, and personal development of individuals in the mentioned fields. By doing so, the goals and values of the EU are strengthened beyond its borders. The achievement of general goals is encouraged through the provision of opportunities for teaching, training, internships, attending classes as well as gaining experience and new skills.
The Union University Belgrade Law School (Union Law Belgrade) is a participant in the Erasmus+ mobility program. We have a successful cooperation with the Faculty of Law University of Münster in Germany. In 2022 and 2023, the mobility of students and teachers to and from the Union Law Belgrade was successfully organised. Prof. Tatjana Papić taught seminar International Law in the Contemporary Context in spring semester 2022 at Münster, while prof. Jelena Jerinić was a fellow at the Institute of Local Government (KWI) at Münster. Our students, Ljubica Tomić (doctoral studies) and Una Danilović (undergrad studies), spent a part of their studies at Münster. Lecturers from Münster, Nicole Hövelmeyer and Isabel Lischewski, held guest lectures and a workshop for doctoral studies at the Union Law Belgrade in March 2022.