Visiting Lecture

Union University Law School Belgrade  would like to invite you to the visiting lecture of professor Martin Krygier, entitled “Tempering Power. How to Think, and Not to Think, about the Rule of Law”.

The lecture will be held on Monday, 13 November 2023 at 17.00 h in the Lecturing hall. All attendees are kindly invited to a cocktail after the lecture. The co-organizer of the lecture is the Serbian Association for Legal and Social Philosophy. 

Martin Krygier is Gordon Samuels Professor of Law and Social Theory, UNSW Sydney; Senior Research Fellow, Rule of Law Program, CEU Democracy Institute, and Honorary Professor at the School of Global Governance, Australian National University. He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences. His publications include Spreading Democracy and the Rule of Law?; Rethinking the Rule of Law after Communism; Community and Legality; The Rule of Law after Communism; Marxism and Communism; Philip Selznick. Ideals in the World;  Civil Passions; Between Fear and Hope. Hybrid Thoughts on Public Values and Bureaucracy: The Career of a Concept. He writes extensively on the rule of law, and law and politics in central and eastern Europe. His present research is focused on anti-constitutionalist populism. In 2016 he was awarded the Dennis Leslie Mahoney Prize in Legal Theory and in 2020 became a Member of the Order of Australia. 

In case you are not able to attend in person you can fill the form and we will send you the link to follow it online.